Thursday, July 18, 2013

where did it go?

Why is it when you are waiting for something like the weekend it seems to take forever. Then there are other times where you blink, and time disappears. This spring has been like that. I had big plans for the progress on Fillmore, I wanted to be at the paint stage but that didn't happen. Now, on the eve of a tremendous family opportunity(holiday time together) I find that we are scrambling to tie up a few loose ends on Fillmore.

Jeff has been a great help, working away on a more complete enclosure for the fuse panel. When I look at this pic I can't help but notice the long legs on the kid and wonder when that happened...

Meanwhile I poked around on the dash, getting the indicator lights up to regulation
Nice Job Jeff!
Now it was time to tuck Fillmore into bed for....(gulp!)...5 weeks. Until we come back he'll just have to peak out and see what's happening in the outside world.

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