Thursday, July 4, 2013

Piddle Piddle, a minite here and there

 As a kid, you wish away time. I remember being 14 and just being beside myself in frustration because I thought I would never get to 16 and get my drivers licence. At 16 it's all I could do to be patient wishing I were 18 so I could be an "adult" and get out to the pubs. In my twenty first year  as I started into my post grad degree in dentistry I wanted to get through the program so I could get into the real world and "start living." Little did I realize, as much as my elders tried to gently nudge me and suggest that I enjoy these years, that I was wishing away prime time.
Now in my forties, with two beautiful kids of my own, time is speeding by like a semi truck on the freeway, and I know that deep in my heart that I will blink and time is now a high speed monorail.
So I try to savor everything that I can, every time there is an opportunity. Sometimes that means the chewy tidbits of time are with Fillmore and sometimes they are with my family, because I know there will not be another chance for today.
 Oh come on, is that just an elaborate set up for claiming that not a lot has been done this week?.....No but it is foreshadowing for the weeks or months coming. In 2 weeks time Fillmore will be tightly wrapped up, and I will not be able to put hands to metal until the end of August. In the meantime Randy might come over and piddle away at jobs that need to be done.
The other day I felt like I was pretending to be my friend Chris Kruse, I had taken Fillmore in to a local garage to have another once over. Knowing that I would have to do some work AND he was in a big yard, I decided to be my own mobile mechanic and do some repair work on site.

Truth be known though, I feel the best when I can pull Fillmore out of his little shelter and into the sunlight and putter around at my leisure
Here I am closing some vent holes that we had in the original roof. I will have some fans but final locations are still up in the air.

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