Wednesday, April 22, 2015


It's that time of know the time where you seem to get swept up in all the hoo-ha of NHL playoffs. I enjoy watching hockey, but I'm not a die hard or stats fanatic. But I enjoy a good ride on the band wagon as much as the next guy. Maybe Fillmore is a tail gate party just waiting to come of age!
Maybe you could consider me an opportunistic hockey fan. Cheer for the flames, but only really watch games in the playoffs.
Thankfully I have been doing more than just watching hockey, the other night Jeff and I had the opportunity to help finalize some supplies for the spring trip of Dentistry for All to El Ramate, Guatemala. It is the trip that I was supposed to go on, but last fall when I needed to make the call, I decided to error on the side of safety and bow out for another trip.
In the meantime I continue my hydraulic struggle....
As I mentioned in the last post I had an unsuccessful attempt at taking Fillmore into the city to Polar mobility for A/C installation. Once again while en route, I blew out the hydraulic filter. Along with Dave from Springbank Truck repair we pieced Fillmore back together and started doing some pressure testing. Unfortunately we did not come to any definitive conclusions. Everything seems to be correct, set up in a proper way. To the point that during function there is very little pressure build up at all. Our running theory is that when the fan is engaged right from engine start, pressures remain low and flow easily. If however the fan remains off until temps rise, then there is a spike in pressure and the filter blows.
So I put Fillmore back together, and kept the hydraulic system running from start and brought Fillmore to the city to continue on the A/C quest. So once again I left Fillmore in the hands of someone else.
Driving a '49 Flxible is a fun thing to do at the best of times, but I'm always a little surprised at the reactions I get when other people see the rig. Most of the time its a smile, a wave, a "thumbs up" with a honk. But every now and again something surprises the note asking if I want to sell put under the windshield wiper!

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Oh No! Not again!!

You may remember this time last year I found a  wee problem I had been checking things out and found a significant break in my flywheel hous...