Sunday, November 17, 2013

Mayday-Mayday- we've been Hijacked!!

 Time is a funny thing, when you are looking forward to something-anticipating it's arrival time stands still but when you want it to stand still it rips past you faster than a cold beer on a hot day. Friday was a day like that, the destination sign had arrived earlier in the week and I had some renewed excitement about getting some Fillmore time. On top of it Michelle had specifically asked if I was going to be sticking around home as we had the cable guy coming on one of those "somewhere between 8 and 4" service calls. Perfect, a day at home working on the bus and I'm REQUIRED to be there.

Randy came out and we started to work. Prepping the side walls for the plywood, insulating with the first stage of EPV Foam
Now I am starting to map out the electrical plan in my head. But that is about as far as I got. The cable guy came but it was a train wreck....the previous dish with all the cables in place is on the roof. Apparently the company does not allow the guys on the roof any longer...they have to put the dish on the facia board. Which means new cables running all over the place...holes in the walls furniture to be moved bookcases unloaded....and THEN...."oh sorry I can't get a signal. I'll have to come back next week"......AAAARRRRRRGGG!
Nothing helps calm the frazzled nerves  like fresh coffee brewing on board!
The next morning I thought....I'll just get to the bus....only to have my workshop hijacked by my wife and daughter...painting a chest of drawers!!
Foiled again!

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