Saturday, November 12, 2016

One more kick at the can

Now who remembers playing kick the can as a kid? I am sorry to say I don't think my kids have any idea what that game is. Basically a game of hide and seek. If you are caught you go to a detention area, the only way to get free is if an un-caught participant sneaks up and frees all the captured team mates by kicking over a can or bucket. Incredible feeling of elation when you are stuck in the jail and you can see your team mate slowly sneaking up on the can, on the flip side of that coin, a tremendous sinking feeling of despair when as the guard you hear the sound of the can clanging down the driveway reverberating off the sides of houses in the neighborhood. But, you take a moment to re group and then set the bucket back and start again. Slowly rounding up the escapees and ultimatley giving them one more chance to kick at the can...

So with the thought of nothing lost, it was time to regroup,repair and  repaint


This time I was even happier with my finish, and smart enough to get some help to get the walls to the drying table.

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