Tuesday, July 2, 2019

On the list...

As I get older I am amazed at how I compartmentalize things. I am able to take an issue that needs my attention, decide it's importance and then file it into a list of "Do now" "Do Next" and "Do Later". It all sound s fine and dandy, but my issue is that often I can't remember where I put the lists! As such, like with most builds, the smallest jobs take the longest time because they have the seemingly lowest priority. But this past while I have been cleaning up the to do list,

Getting down and putting the doors on small storage spots

Attaching trim and door hardware...

Creating soft stops for cabinets.                                                    and finally getting things finished.

All this interspersed with getting my man cub ready for the trip of a lifetime. Like his sister that took summer school with MEI Academy Jeff is doing the same. Unlike his sister that went to Tanzania, Jeff is on a business tour hitting cities like New York, London, Paris, Hong Kong and Beijing. I am excited for him!

In between the drama of getting him ready, I continue to plod forward and FINALLY get to reinstalling a tow hitch and associated electrical. First I had to gain access to the rear mounting platform.

Then I realized I didn't have enough vertical space for the drill so I had to put Fillmore up on blocks!

Finally I started the arduous task of drilling 4 simple holes through 1/2" steel. Thankfully the bit broke on the very last hole, and I had a back up!

Shout out to my good man Harold, who years ago came and stayed with me for a few days and laid hands on Fillmore. As I lay underneath Fillmore taking a break from drilling I looked up through the engine to the inner surface of the air chute. Little did I know he left me a little nod to his contribution. In my mind he was donning his coveralls a year or two ago....but 7 years go by fast.

Once the holes were drilled for the mounting bracket, I decided to weld the hitch directly to the bracket, as opposed to bolting it on.

Now remember I can "weld" but never have I claimed to be a 'welder'. Maybe my nephew will come out one day and give me a lesson.
Its not pretty, but it will be strong!
The final piece of the puzzle was reattaching the electrical components, which I squirreled away more than 7 years ago when I uninstalled them before swapping the powertrain.  With my electrical book with its chicken scratch map from the super mechanic Chris Kruse, I was able to put it all back together, and I am happy to say we are ready to roll!

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