Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Wake up and smell the coffee

I figured that I need to utilize the kids while I can. There are plenty of places on Fillmore that are way more suited for a small body. Replacing the air horn body was one of them. Oh yes I could have backed up the bus and done it myself, but you know that every kid really wants to crawl up on a roof.
Anna was all over it when I said who wants to help with Fillmore?

I found a new horn body on eBay. The trumpets on it are plastic, but that is OK because I have saved the original chrome ones. (they are just getting spruced up). Once they come back we'll swap out the trumpets and we'll be back in business. Anna loved being the first one to sound the horn when we tested it.....it was LOUD!!!!

No matter how much you try we all fall into a rut where we grow so accustomed  to something that we forget that it is there. We live on the eastern slopes in the foothills of the rocky mountains. After being here for 17 years you never cease to appreciate the mountains but sometimes you can go for very long stretches where you just don't seem to notice them. I find it usually takes a visitor  who looks at the western horizon in awe to make me take a step back, wake up and smell the coffee if you will, and say "Oh ya! Look at that!"
I recently had a similar happening with Fillmore. It's been well over a year or more since the windows have been refurbished (largely due to Randy's hard work). I have been walking up and down the sides of the bus  more times than I can shake a stick at. It wasn't until I had made contact with another Flxy owner looking to source some of the hard to find window seals that I made a startling discovery.

The very first window that I put together was installed in the rear most window bay on the passenger side. This was done before I had found a place to custom make the exterior window seal on the stationary window. Thinking back I remember saying, when I get the rubber, I'll install it then.

Guess what never happened?
But how many times did I walk right by, never registering the defect?
The last order of business for the weekend was to reposition the shifter. I played around with a linkage system but that was a "FAIL". So I went back to the drawing board and found the best way was to disassemble and reposition. Trim the shifter shaft, re drill and remount the assembly in a position about 10" rear of the original. This will allow the driver to get in and out of the drivers seat without accidentally pushing it into gear.

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