Thursday, April 28, 2016

Mission Accomplished

How nice is it when you can trust in someone else to do what you would(want) to do yourself.
Wait, let me explain.
For those of you who know me, I tend to be particular with my projects. I'm not about to stand on my self made pedestal and claim that I am the best. In truth I am FAR from that. I am constantly amazed and in awe of the creativity and skill set of true artists, and the drive and bull headed persistence of others when a task is at hand. (perhaps a veiled attempt at referencing my brothers). But I do create my own vision of how I foresee things to be and that can be frustrating when the skill set required to achieve such a vision is out of your wheelhouse. So you must entrust and employ your vision to someone else. Something that can be a leap of faith, but fortunately for me this time it was not.
Last year...yes last seems like it was only a few months ago but records show that  LAST YEAR  I took Fillmore in for the A/C install, and here we are again almost to the day, back at Polar Mobility. As you may recall I wanted to move th rear A/C-Heater unit. I built the cabinet, got everything set and let the experts do their thing.

I spent a little time with the tech who did the majority of the work first time around, and although he was a little put off that the vision wasn't explained to him the first time around, he understood that sometimes the end picture just hadn't been full formed and now I was back to get things done just so.
Then I proceeded to ease the pain by giving him a lovely present from Wildrose brewery  and all was better.
It took a few days, perhaps a little longer than I was hoping for, but my parting word were, I'm not concerned about time I'm concerned about quality and reliability, and that I got in spades. I will of course(as it was planned and explained) have to modify the rear of the heater unit to seal it off from the engine compartment, otherwise all the air drawn will have the essence of diesel
On the inside, I will replace the cabinet front and screen housing. But now All the floor space is open and I can get to the cabinetry!
Of course, no trip in Fillmore seems to go quite as planned and there was, as always, some unexpected drama. Getting Fillmore required a real juggling of transport, driving, car pooling, employment of city transit, and a  cab ride before we were on the road.
As I started down the road, happy as a pig in....well you know....I glanced down at my fuel gauge. Which read just below half. Or I should correctly say, still read just below half. I mused about recalling that the last trip and....perhaps the one before that....when the fuel gauge read...just below half. No sooner had my spidey senses started to tingle, the engine coughed and sputtered.
I ran out of fuel.
Smoooooooth move Einstein.

On the positive side. I had inklings that the fuel sender was acting up and stowed a 20L jerry can (that's 5 Gallons for you boys south of the border) and so rather than run it dry, I shut it down fast and coasted to a stop. Put in what I had and coaxed him to the next fuel station.

Fillmore has two tanks that hold about 120L each, I added the 20L jerry can, and then the final tally at the pump was 217L for a total of I was EMPTY!. So glad I messed up as close as I was to a truck stop. Put it on the list of things to fix!!

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