Friday, May 23, 2014

Where's your happy place?

 But friendship is precious, not only in the shade, but in the sunshine of life, and thanks to a benevolent arrangement the greater part of life is sunshine.
Thomas Jefferson

There are many times in life, at least for me, where I sit back and am dumbfounded at my good fortune. Most recent health events excluded of course, but perhaps we are faced with adversity to help us to appreciate the good times. This evening while I sit at the computer sipping a glass of red, trying to think of something interesting let alone witty to say, CBC radio's 'Vinyl Tap' with Randy Bachman was playing. My sweetheart and I listened to music from 'days of yor' feeling the warm feelings of memory recall that only sounds and smells seem to evoke. Michelle paused from baking biscuits (I know this is sounding WAY to set up, but you can't make this Sh*8 up!) and said " Just so you know.....this is my happy place, we are all home, we've had a great day together, I got Jazz and red wine (and me of course). The point is, it made me think what is your happy place?
Lets start by saying, I'm a man with many needs and many I have many things that make me happy. My family, love, creativity, wine of course.....and it struck me that I feel these feelings all the time with sometimes simple things, sunshine on my face after a long winter, or walking in the woods with my love, but sometimes it can be working on Fillmore. The blog is way to short to talk about them all, but the other day I felt one.
Working on Fillmore is definitely the journey not the destination. So I get great pleasure from working with Randy, as you can see our pace of 'play' is pretty laid back.....sometimes we sit down on  the job.
Other times we are racing against the clock.
I spent the day welding, normally for an experienced welder this would be a 20 min job. For me a good hour, in my p[resent all day event. Baby steps!!
For Randy, he was working on creating some mounting plates for the eventual installation of the ceiling panels.
A happy feeling of spending the day in the sun, puttering away and getting a good dose of vitamin D.

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