Saturday, January 31, 2015

Loose ends

Ever had that dream where a friend says "Hey man you got a thread hangin' down!" then everything goes into slow motion. Your friend reaches over , grabs the thread and starts to pull. All the while you seem to be frozen in fear as you watch it all unravel.In the end your just standing there in your underwear and a shirt collar still around your neck......No? just me? huh!
In a project this big there are loose ends all over the place. Some are left untied because you have to wait to complete another step before it can be cleaned up and cleared off. Others just sort of drift off to the sidelines because " Oh that won't take but a minute, I can do that later!" mentality takes over.

 The last window from the drivers side was like that, until I busted the glass trying to not so gently 'tap' a seal into place. Now it's done, all tied up!
 The headlight bezels are a bit of scenario one and two. I had to get the bezels themselves re-chromed, which I might as well wait for all the bumpers etc before doing that.
 Recently it was time, I took them all apart and sent the bezels and assorted pieces to Alberta Plating for the magic to happen.

 What I didn't do is pay attention to the rest of the components. I simply thought....well "I'll have to replace all that!" forgetting this is Fillmore, a 1949 Flxible Clipper......"A what?"

The original bezel seal is a round rubber bead with a tail or flange....WITH a metal core!
I searched high and low and so far I have found nothing that resembles it.
I did however find some 5/16"full round at Norwesco .
The guys there were really great. It's not perfect but I will continue the search. The second part of the challenge is locating the headlamp gasket retention spring. The ones I have are in pretty good structural shape but it would be nice to get some new ones if possible.....

I looked and looked, went to the usual suspects, but nothing.So last night, after a glass of rejuvenation, I decided that structually these clips are in good enough shape to use, they just need to be cleaned up.
It was time to pull  the old "ultra-vibe"
(sounds risque)  back into service. It hasn't seen much action over the last few years.

Stay tuned...

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