Friday, October 8, 2010

Ohhh boy here we go.....again.

 Sometimes in life you make a decision in blind trust because you know in your gut it is right. Like marrying Michelle when we were just the tender age of 21. Looking back we think "wow we were young!!"...but it was just 'right' and 20 years later it still is. Other times in life you make a decision based on blind trust that the research that you have done is encompassing enough to help guide you too the right choice....."I think it's right!"
Often still a good and arguable choice....but maybe not "right"
 Take the Cummins B5.9L. A great engine, a workhorse, very reliable, and has enough oompfh to power the bus. But....from all the reports and discussions with Flxy owners, particularly ones who do this alot!, not enough oompfh to get up over the mountains and maintain speed in a good headwind.....hmmmm mountains and chinooks.......hmmmm.
Yes just like in hockey, the trick is to know when to pull the first line and send in the third. The 5.9 will do the job....but we(I) would always be frustrated. Can you see where I'm going with this?
 Let me introduce you to the Cummins C series engine the C8.3. Still a mechanical engine but lots more oompfh. This is the engine that is used in plenty of motorhomes, dump trucks, firetrucks etc.
Just so happens that a gent (friend of my business partner Rob) who helped source out some parts for me before, has access to a C8.3 with a paired Allison MT643 from a low milage 1992 Monaco diesel pusher motor home...and he's willing to help sell the 5.9/A518.
It's what he does...Western Auto&Truck Parts in Calgary
2602 52 Street Se
Calgary, AB T2B 1N2
(403) 272-8891
(Shameless plug)
Another bennifit is the A518 transmission (above left)which is on the 5.9 is 8" longer than the Allison MT643.(on the right)
You can see the difference!
Which is also good because the C8.3 is 4" longer than the B5.9. Soooooo in the end it would be a next gain of the coveted 'ooompfh' and a net loss of length....thus allowing a slightly longer drive shaft!
And finally..... the Monaco also would have a rear axle that is geared for the engine/tranny combo!
How can I not?
How do I break the news to the Mrs.........

1 comment:

  1. I ended up with a 350Hp Cummins 8.3 ISC with an Allison MD3060 and a rearend all out of a Monaco motorhome... sounds like we'll have a similar setup!

    Good choice.

    -Ben (and the new


Oh No! Not again!!

You may remember this time last year I found a  wee problem I had been checking things out and found a significant break in my flywheel hous...