Saturday, April 16, 2011

We have a winner!!

 On my last post I showed you a picture of some odd looking wood pieces sitting on my kitchen counter....right next to a steaming hot cup of delicious joe........wait I must go brew a new pot....

OK where was I?....Right!...wood things... I asked people to try to guess what they were. I had a few respondents. One of whom is likely one of my most faithful ( and perhaps biased) blog follower, my Dad. He said quite modestly " I have no idea, unless they are jigs!" I responded "Close, think of them as aides" but as I thought about it more (and then looked up the actual definition of a 'jig')

 jig |jig|
1 a lively dance with leaping movements.
• a piece of music for such a dance, typically in compound time.
2 a device that holds a piece of work and guides the tools operating on it.
3 Fishing a type of artificial bait that is jerked up and down through the water.

 Yes sir, then you are correct Dad! You win a trip in Fillmore.....please stand by for proposed travel dates..actually you may want to sit, this still may take a while. I guess that means, according to the definition....That I'm the tool....hey WAIT A MINUTE!!

 The pieces are in fact jigs that attached on to the diff and the tranny to help me guide them into their final position. They each equal half of the length of the drive shaft so when put together they align the anterior-posterior relationship. Lining them up so the dowel looks continuous gives us the lateral alignment
And the side view gives us the inferior-superior relation. You will notice in this shot the tranny is about a 1/2" higher than the diff. This is because, although I did chain the diff to the frame in the "loaded" position, there was a 1/2" of lift of the frame when I took the weight of the engine off the frame. The difference here will allow the frame to settle into the proper position when all is said and done.

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