Sunday, April 17, 2011

Whoops! Missed a step.

 Although there are time that I feel I am boring anyone reading this thing to death with my incessant reporting of the smallest occurrence, there are time that I forget that you are not actually here. As a result sometimes I skip some things that happen. Sometimes by choice and sometimes by mistake.

In my last post I made an off the cuff reference to "chaining the diff to the frame", which I did do but I never did explain that to anyone. Someone...not sure who it was really, they didn't leave a name...asked "what the ...??". So it became apparent...I missed reporting a step... Mia copa

So when it came time to finalize the engine position I needed to have the weight of the engine on the frame. Because it affects the relative position of the diff to the frame and therefor the tranny.Here it is all strapped up.

So I simple hung the engine in a sling really...easy-peasy. But you can't move the engine block with any success let alone precision with it supported in a sling. So I had to figure a way to hold the diff in a "loaded" position to the frame.
So, as I referred to in my previous post, I chained it....too simple really. So when I released the engine from the sling back onto the support dollies. The diff was restricted to remain (almost exactly) in the same position as where it will be when the engine is in final mount.
Saturday  was a father son day, we made trip to the 'Sled Parlor'... basically a wrecker yard for snowmobiles and ATV's. This was the first step for the snowenator. Jeff's dream project of a winter go cart. A real cool place. Picture a huge farm Quonset, with a trap like roof that lets in sunlight, full of old ATVs and sleds, and it's pick your part type of place.....pretty cool!

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Oh No! Not again!!

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