Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Marble in-Marble out

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, What goes up, must come down., what goes in must come out. There are several ways to explain our daily lives, and we have to plan for the full contingent. I've been working on the water inlet, making sure we can fill the water tanks (or just simply hook up to a pressurized water supply)

After wrestling with the inlet water line and the air outlet line...
The plan came together as I had hoped.

But with the focus on the water coming in.....I must make sure I'm set for the water going out! Thus I get to play with Grey water tank dump valves. Thankfully they are all clean, so Michelle still lets me bring them into the house!
But like everything on Fillmore, being able to use stock pieces didn't quite do what I needed it to do. So I had to modify and create what I needed
basically I needed a 3 3/8" inch extention
Which then the flanged valve could bolt onto with the 90 degree swivel out let on the other side. Next step will be running the cable with the dump handle control on it to it's final desired location...aka I haven't figured out where that will be yet.
Meanwhile some scotch,a can of beans and some aluminum angle iron was on my hit list

First we got the water in, then got the water out
Now we are putting the walls up and hopefully preventing them from coming down.

While Anna worked away at sanding and priming the walls, I was working on decorative but functional wall anchors.

In an effort to suck up and use as much internal real estate as possible. I opted NOT to go with a conventional stud supported wall for the bathroom.  If I did, then a typical stud 3 1/2 inches, then 5/8" plywood wall (to marry with rounded corners) and a 3/8" wall board on the other side.....that makes 4.5" think wall....times that by two and I loose 9" of floor space!. Even if I move to a 1.5"  small stud I loose a total of  5" of floor space. So I am treating the walls like they are cabinet walls and the bus floor and ceiling will become part of the cabinet frame......and that will be achieved with custom cut  aluminum circles with a 90 degree bend!

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