In the last post I showed you the installation of the cook top, I believe my closing remark was " once the final hook ups are done I can place a high temp silicone to seal the floor, and we should be off to the races!" seems I spoke too soon. I continued on and did do the final hook ups. And nothin'...notta...dead as a door nail.

Immediately I started to stew about where the failure occurred? In the cooktop unit?(bad,bad news) in the wiring (not great but better) or at the power source(maybe a faulty fuse!?)
First order of business was to test voltage along the feed...but first I had to find my electrical supply tub. I searched high and low, in the shop, on top of the shop, in the garage, in the old shop. I couldn't find it anywhere. As I stood in the doorway to the shop frustrated at the fact that prime working time was slipping away I decided that I will,very soon, have to organise my shop. I have never really taken the time to set it up in any organised way. I have stuff all over the place put in piles awaiting my efforts to organise and the bin of " plumbing 'stuff' right there at my feet.....

Which looks a lot like the bin for the electrical supplies...........And so there it was.The electrical supply bin with a healthy layer of plumbing crap scattered on top.
This is what I was on the hunt for. A shout out to my buddy Chris Kruse who told me "everyone needs one of these" And he was right. It has saved hours of frustration trying to sort out electrical issues.
I started testing the power supply starting at the cooktop and working backwards. Nothing at the supply line coming into the cook top, nothing at the junction where we spliced into the coach harness, nothing back at the fuse box.
After some digging I found the problem. We tied in the loom to the fuse station, but we forgot to bring power to the fuse location! So, simple fix. I spliced power from a direct feed to a spare circuit. Now we have power to the cook top. I'll have to prime the fuel line and see if we truley are cooking with diesel.

In the meantime I put the couch back in place.........and removed the drivers side for it's flooring attention!
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