Thursday, April 19, 2012

There is nothing that makes your day like a chthonic monster!

In Greek mythology this protectress was a Gorgon, a chthonic monster. Gazing directly upon her would turn the onlookers to stone.


Chris and Bryce worked away all week last week, making sense of Fillmore's neural pathways. Hooking up the fans, solenoids, overrides, relays,fuses,bypasses, sludge pumpers, spiral retarders, and of course the ever elusive dingle hopper mounting bracket.
Seriously there were times that the conversation made my head spin.I've said this before, when working on a task on Fillmore you really have to focus on that one task. Looking at the electrical wiring for example, when you are not the one in the thick of it and simply round the bend and take a look at Medusa's crown of snakes wiggling out of the dash, it's enough to stop you cold and turn your mind to stone.
But we had the dragon slayers on hand, Chris and Bryce were able to compartmentalize and win the battle, one wire loom at a time.
I lost track of how many wire looms we ran from from to back, but thankfully we have a chase to run the cables!
A Medusa up front and her sister in the back. This my friends is ordered chaos. At first blush it looks confusing but in reality it is really quite ordered and neat.....awaiting split loom of course.
The front of the breaker box shows us the fuses, relays, and breaker bars.

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