Thursday, November 1, 2012

Guatemala...Pollo bus

I got my $1.35 fitting that was holding me back and completed the install. With the hydraulic pump in place it was time to road test the new cooling system. So I backed Fillmore out and loaded up the crew. Anna, Jeff and his buddy Pete, and Grandma and Grandpa Keeler who are in town to look after the rug rats as we head south to do dentistry in Guatemala

I've been working on this thing for so long it's hard for me to remember that a lot of my family has never actually been for a ride in Fillmore.
Here's Verna going for her maiden voyage!
So we kept driving and driving waiting for the temp to rise and kick on the fans.....but it never did. The temp rose to what I thought was the tripping temp, but nothing. It rose 15 degrees past the perceived tripping point...nothing. It became obvious that something wasn't working correctly, now we were a ways from home, temp is up and a tightness gripped my chest. Fortunately Chris put in a manual override switch for the fans, so I switched that on and immediately started to watch the temp drop. I will have to check out the sensor switch and see where the fail comes from.
On the way back to the house we got going a little faster than we had on the way out, not a huge issue, except the same bump(dip) in the road became much more of a road obstacle. When we hit said obstacle at a higher speed, it bounced us around that little bit more. This time there was a heavy vibration from the back end. Immediately I knew what it was.... the drive shaft is to long and bottoming out on the bumps.
The bad news is that I didn't have time to dwell, I fly to Guatemala in less than 10 hours. So we parked Fillmore and save it for when I get home.........tightness starting to return

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