Sunday, June 1, 2014

To boldly go where no man has gone before

 How is it possible to be both mystified and terrified by the human races advances in technology? I grew up (and I'm not done according to my wife) in a time of wonder with respect to advances in technology. The introduction of pagers, cell phones, home computers, the internet. Not to mention lap tops, smart homes with smart wiring, and of course the advent of the personal mobile computer...the smart phone. Gene Roddenberry was truly a visionary...back in the 70's the thought of a hand held device that you could communicate on and get information from was out of this world....and now it is in everyone's pocket. Hell I see them in the most rural areas in Guatemala!
The point is the advancement of technology has and is happening at an alarming rate, it almost scares you to think where will we be in another 40 years from now?
When I was researching products for Fillmore one of my concerns was finding a type and method of insulation that would be worthy of our Canadian winters. I need something, light, hydrophobic, and with incredibly low thermo conductive properties. It is then I came across a material that really blew my mind. This stuff is light weight, flexible, non combustible, non toxic, and has a thermo conductivity that I didn't think was possible. I wondered about this stuff and thought "wow this is new age cutting edge stuff!" I mean this is Star Trek type insulation.
As I learned more I had to chuckle at myself. Just as my kids think some of the fashions that are popular now are a sole reflection of the current generation, truth be told, it is a typical cycle of what is old is new. The more I learned about the Aerogel insulation I realized that Aerogel is not new, but rather had been discovered or better put created in 1931 by a mister Samuel Kistler.

what is old in new, indeed.
Randy came out and we spent some time cutting the insulation into pieces
A seemingly simple task, and although this stuff is non toxic and non irritating, they make no claims about it not leaving a fine dust everywhere. So masks and gloves were in order.
at days end we had accomplished a fair bit, next will be vapor barrier, then ceiling panels.

I spent some time 'tucking' in the center edge where the long house light fixture will go.

Speaking of that, i had to lower the fixture from it's hibernation area. It's such a long piece that I've had it suspended from the ceiling rafters in my workshop for the last 4(?) years
Many a times after I have spent time toiling away at something, I find myself sitting in Fillmore and mentally constructing and deconstruction the project in an attempt to mentally plan/envision what will come next. Or at least that's how I see it.....Michelle often thinks I'm just sitting there staring off into space in some sort of trance. Either way, I still find beauty in my surroundings

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