Sunday, January 17, 2010

Fathering is not mothering

Another great weekend. Saturday the kids and I were on our own while Michelle took care of our little(ha) nephew Nathan. So that meant Subway for lunch, skiing at C.O.P., break mid day for fries and coffee. Then on to BP's for supper, popcorn and a movie!
Today, a little more bus. I got an hour in in the morning, then managed to finagle my way to staying home to do more bus while Michelle and the kids went to see her mother. Lets face it, I'm low man on the totem pole anyway. #1= Grand kids, #2= daughters that bore her grand kids, #3= Time with the grand kids, and a distant #4= me and the dogs. But I'm OK with that, I understand!

Today was rip up the drivers floor day. Removing the gas and brake pedals proved easy enough, but man they were filthy. So I to get 'em clean. We had a break for lunch, and while I was loading the lunch dishes I thought....hmmm why not? I mean they all get clean anyway right?...better use of water, the load isn't full!!

Apparently this ranks right up there with Junk food and movies for the kids...

What???????...I didn't know!?!!...sorry honey

Just for the record, kids wearing there "GOOD" jackets in the bus is frowned upon as well....fathering is not mothering, fathering is not mothering...

A good days work...and no one died....yet!

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