Monday, February 21, 2011

More than one way to skin a cat

 Now that the engine is sitting in the cradle, and I know I have to do some creative thinking to position the beast in the ideal anterior-posterior position, I was wondering how the heck am I going to get the engine out to the bus for a test fit, with a whack of snow between the garage and the bus. I know it could be done....I was contemplating putting a trailer hitch on the engine dolly and simply using one of the cars to move it...but is there another way?
 I started by cleaning up the removable rear panel from behind the engine. I had Chris Kruse add a trailer hitch to Fillmore when we brought her back...but sadly for room sake the hitch had to go....for now anyway.
 Then I thought....if I can't take the engine to the bus....lets bring the bus to the engine! So I scribed the rear contours of the engine bay onto some plywood and mounted them on the cradle. Simple!

This gives me an idea of how far back I can go, which frankly isn't to far. Truth be known...not far enough, I still have some problem solving to do.

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