Saturday, February 19, 2011

Yipee Ki Yay!!

 Well my friends yesterday was a good day....cold as hell but good none the less. Odd....after I typed "cold as hell" I thought.. since when was hell cold? Not that I've had the personal experience of being there, but it would seem to me from what I have read and been told hell's temperature issues are a little more on the warm side. Apparently,(after a quick google)  not all religions view hell as a sauna gone bad. In Buddhism speaks of cold hell!...huh! who knew? Well yesterday was sure cold, (-25C....that's -13F for all you in the USA) especially when you have to handle cold steel with bare hands, but it was no hell. Despite the weather I had a smile on my face anyway.

 On Thursday I had the new U bolts made up and delivered to my to love that. So first item on the to do list was re weld the shock attachments on.....check!
Thanks to my Dad's trusty Gomer Pyle trapper hat which I commandeered and a few layers under my Carharts, although the weather outside WAS frightful I was happy as a pig in...well you get the picture.

 Things moved along relatively was a bit of a challenge for one guy to properly center the rear differential, but we got 'er done. Don't worry when I say "we" I haven't completely lost my mind and have imaginary bus friends helping me, I'm just referring to the papal 'we'.
 When I say things moved along relatively smoothly, due to the weather we did have some minor hiccups. It was so cold my anti seize was seized. So I had to take a coffee break. Hot coffee for me and a bucket of hot water for the grey goop!
 In the end the rear diff is back in place. Fillore has been up on blocks so long that when I lowered him back down to the ground to rest on the axle, it seemed like he was a low rider now!
A pretty Mount the engine in the cradle.

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