Sunday, June 5, 2011

Whassssss up!!

It was a Bud commercial I can't remember what year it was but it was the time. When I was thinking of this blog entry I thought I just wanted to tell everyone what was up.....Oh never mind you had to be there, but if you go to U tube...?!

 Anyway Jeff helped putter around, doing a little house keeping on the donor sled for the "Snowenator". We got some new plugs, new gas lines(mice got at them) and we'll see what happens!
 Michelle was putting together our unicycle....yup you read it right, UNICYCLE. What the F##@ are we thinking??
 What, biking out here isn't hard enough? Now we have to try to do it on one tire??
 I talked last time about having to remove the front drivers corner panel in an effort to rebuild the support rib. Well that all went like clockwork. Either the stars were aligned and the Flxible gods smiled down on me, or I'm just getting the hang of some things and I'm not as much of a putz. Who knows! So with the for mentioned panel removed I then felt compelled to strip the rust (surface) and paint 'er up (ya, ya, POR-15)
  Then start to put it all back together, always so rewarding but always a wee bit stressful too. I know we measure and remeasure, test fit and re test fit but still.....
 The feel of the pneumatic riveter....ohhhhh baby nothing sounds better. Well that's a lie, hearing someone say "Holey CR#@ Blake! you just a hole in ONE!!!!" Now that would sound better....sorry just a little day dream there...where was I?

Got the new panel on, bit by bit working my way down and under, no bends are creases!!(Yay!)

Then got the front corner panel on, and I thought this was going to be a grand headache, but she slipped into place like it was meant to be there. Oh wait, it was meant to be there.
So Fillmore is put to bed for a week or two, I am off to Manitoba to the prestigious Grey Owl golf tournament. I've been working on my swing this I think I'm gunna take the trophy this year!!

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Oh No! Not again!!

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