Friday, February 17, 2012

So, what did you do all day?

 Believe it or not I have a friend, (who may actually be reading this) who came home to his wife who had a new born and his two year old at home and he said this to her.
Now I know that he really meant to say " Tell me about your day, what happened?", but perhaps he didn't take an extra second to think about his word choices. Lets just say if looks had a physical affect, then he would have been in ICU.
Having said that, today really was a " what the hell did you do all day?" kind of thing for me.

Randy worked away on the engine room floor. A task that at first blush, seemed like one of those, 'oh I can pop that out in a couple of hours' kind of jobs. But when you are in tight quarters...
 ...and the floor plan requires some custom cuts, things take a while!
 As for me.....(envision a look of shame) I did work all day...really, I did! But I virtually have nothing to show (pictorially). I spent the day running air lines. I assumed that it would be a quick job. But one thing after another slowed me down. A weld here a new hole there. A search for a couple of bolts....special bolts... which in hindsight I do not have. In the end I ran the primary and secondary lines, the 1/4" line from one of the tanks(then I ran out of tube). Picked most of the fixtures for the primary distribution block, and fabricated a bracket for it. But could I take a picture of that?...Nooooooo! The only picture I could muster was a paper template for the holes I need to drill in a cross member..........So I look and feel like a slacker
Randy on the other hand did a bang up job on the floor. Just have to re install the AD9 dryer, put the 2ndary tank back in place and we are set!

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